read just one character from stdin

How to Read Just One Character from the Terminal (stdin)?

Lesson 27: C Programming - How to utilize fgets() for reading STDIN redirection from a file. #shorts

Remove Trailing Newline Character From fgets() Input | C Programming Example

Pipe into commands and read from STDIN | #5 Practical Bash

Character Input Output | Programming in C

Vim Techniques 11 - Reading file content from stdin

Read A Specific Line From A File | C Programming Example

5.b C Programming - Character Input Using Scanf - fflush(stdin)

stdin (Standard In) - C Programming

Reading from Stdin C++

Read characters from stdin into an resizeable array (2 Solutions!!)

C_25 Unformatted Input Functions in C | C Programming Tutorials

How to get and unget input from streams in C (getstring, fgetc, ungetc).

C Programming - stdin

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?

C user input ⌨️

HackerRank Java - Stdin and Stdout 1

How to use scanf with fgets

How To Clear The Input Buffer | C Programming Tutorial

Use of fflush(stdin) function in C||Character skipping problem of scanf()||C programming Tutorial

C Programming Tutorial - 66: The getchar() and putchar() Functions

How to Read Input from stdin in C | scanf( ) Function in C | C Language Tutorial For Beginners

How to Read Specific Number of Characters From Input in Python language

How to read a line of text in C